How to Find the Best Coding Programs for Kids?

How to Find the Best Coding Programs for Kids?

Whether as part of the current school curriculum or as an extracurricular activity when the school is closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, parents are increasingly turning towards
online coding classes for kids. While many people are looking to learn the latest computer languages, recent news of the shortage of coders shows that the good programming skills are never useless.

From the preliminary coding classes to advanced levels of programming languages, here's how to find the best coding programs for kids.

Understanding the Basics:

Before actually getting into the world of coding one should learn the basics of it. What is coding? Coding is essential in today’s time for the advancement of technology. It is something that makes our smart cars work, and our homes smart. It is everything that makes the lives of the people full of ease and convenience, while they do not think about what makes these things work.

RoboGenius aims at students in grades 4 to 12 as well as college students and adult learners, offers courses in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) boot camp.

It takes a whole lot of work to actually learn to code. The coding should not go ahead of the well-rounded skill of analytical thinking, you have to understand the problem you're trying to solve before you can do pure coding. Robogenius recommends to parents, that coding skills are something that should only be learned after, or in conjunction with, learning how to think analytically.

Speaking the Right Language:

What often takes someone to get ready for what it is to be in programming or a coding world is understanding that it's just like any other language. Kotlin and Python, HTML, CSS, and Android, and iOS app development are among the most popular topics are in the programming languages.

People have to learn the syntax of that language and practice it. RoboGenius recommends students start with a basic programming language course, an Android basics class, mobile development or even just start building a website.

Our courses work well in blended classroom environments. It gives the students something engaging to do. RoboGenius offers a wide range of free and paid courses.

Making It Fun:

If parents tell their children that learning how to code will make them smart, do you think that a 9-year-old is going to care about that? Turn it into a game for making it interesting for them. Don't force it to them as a science or something techy. Just present it as something fun.

Robogeniusoffers its Learn to Code curriculum for kindergarten to fifth-grade teachers and an applied robotics curriculum for sixth to eighth graders. The site also offers free apps and other free learning activities, are like the curriculums designed for those without any coding experience.

These resources are very helpful for parents as well as their kids. At RoboGenius the teachers are very savvy and they know how to make something that might otherwise be just boring really fun.

Learning Together:

Since students have been away from their classmates for over a year now, most of them miss that shared learning environment. In order to help their kids, parents can enroll too by taking an online coding class, or building a website, or learning a programming language together. 

There's nothing better for students to fortify the school aspect of learning together, having classmates, and seeing that learning isn't just something you do in school, but throughout your life. Show your children that it's okay to not know everything.

The first thing to do before enrolling your kids into any coding course is asking them if it is something they would actually want to do. Irrespective of how fun the games or websites are, or how old the student is, kids won't learn if they're not interested. 

Finding out what their interests are is essential. Make sure they want to learn to code voluntarily, not just because coding is something someone said they should learn how to do.

Also, Visit here: Online Coding Classes for Kids


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