A Beginner’s Guide to Teaching Kids Coding

A Beginner’s Guide to Teaching Kids Coding

Coding has become a necessary part of education for today’s kids. It is not for just making software for robots or applications that can automate a company but for the sake of learning problem-solving skills. Some might think that if a kid is not interested in computer science or engineering in the future, will coding help him/her too.

Well, the answer is definitely a yes. When coding skills are developed, it’s mostly about analyzing a problem statement and figuring out a solution for the same. And for an industry, that is a must-have skill.

So, it has become a great way to generate a stable income for teachers as there is a market for it.

Choose a Coding Language

This is basically the most difficult part for any beginner to choose from. There are so many coding languages that it is not possible to start everything at once or master everything. So, it is best to choose one language at a time and try to get acquainted with that.

There are few ones that I would recommend:


  1. If you are looking at coding only to enhance your problem-solving skills, teach part-time and go into ML in the future, then Python is the way to go. It is an easy language and can be one of the best ones to start coding training for kids or absolute beginners.

  2. On the other hand, if coding is something that will become an important part of your career, then C, C++, or Java is the languages you must choose from. They are much more difficult to master as compared to Python and are the crux of most applications. 

Learn the language you pick

There are many courses you can pick from to learn to code and get started with your teaching career. Udemy and Coursera are some popular sites that offer many paid and free courses of high quality. There are a lot of language and teacher options too. 

But I think learning becomes a lot more fun and easy where there is interaction. And this is where RoboGenius comes in.

They offer live classes from beginner to mediocre level and can help anyone to learn to code. The best part is you can book a free class and check out their teaching methods to figure out if it is for you. Robogenius also offers various games and AI projects to help implement whatever you learn.

How to get started with teaching?

Once you have learned a particular language and you feel you are ready to start teaching, you can go about the process in a few ways. The easiest way is to start a YouTube channel where you can upload videos and give lectures once or twice a week. You can also make a course and sell it on Skillshare, Udemy, or other sites. And finally, traditional offline coaching is also something you can offer.

I hope now you know how to start coding training for kids and are ready to embark on this new journey as a teacher.


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